Since launching Fontself on iPad, 125k creatives have crafted hundreds of thousands of fonts on their tablets, for their own pleasure or to grow their business.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love at first sight!
This app is intuitive and so great that I fell in love just after using it!
wasifanjum 🇺🇸 USA
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Exceptionally fast to get started
And quick to learn so you can put a little polish on the fonts you make.
GirlFlash 🇬🇧 UK
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I have made four fonts in the last two weeks
If you have ever drawn your own font in procreate, you can use this app.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🤳🏻 🇺🇸 USA
☞ Raving reviews validated our obsession to focus on ease of use & creative joy, and unexpected stories of people designing fonts on the go—whether in a park, on a train, or during a hike—proved that we could liberate the typographic workflow from the confines of a traditional workspace.

But we also got requests for more control on the process.
Asking for a better drawing experience, to leverage the Apple Pencil to its full potential, or just to have more fun with their DIY fonts, users prompted us to step up our game in so many different directions.
So we did what any biz owner shall keep doing: talk to your customers!

Dozens of conversation on the chat and on Zoom convinced us that what had to do something you should rarely do... which is to start again from scratch.
Simplicity is a virtue, but it takes a lot to rethink complex typographic concepts and to keep refining them until you've pruned the unnecessary functional steps, the one-too-many button clicks, and the overloaded interfaces.

Next, there were a ton of bugs to identify & squash 💥 (special thx to Rocio, Margriet, Ben, Guillaume & all for your eagle eyes 🔍) and, as we aim for enjoyable & obvious experiences, we kept going through the Valley of Pain, as one gotta rince & repeat.

Then, one day, after months of hard work, the gem began to lose its rough edges. We shared our progress with a few more people, and to our delight, they started to see some potential—even in the silliest and most unconventional ideas:

🎉 Yeaaaah, we're now ready to ship !!!
So without further due, please meet Fontself on iPad 2.0 and enjoy the video! 🍿
Whether you're an enthusiast who makes her first fonts or a creative pro who wants to sell custom typefaces, you can now go from start to finish entirely from your couch... err... from your iPad! 😁
10 powerful new features
✒️ Nib Editing: precisely tweak the shape of each node point
↔️ Manual Spacing & Kerning: precisely adjust how letters flow
📝 Custom Font Templates: create, share or sell your own typeface styles
⬇️ Font Install: use your fonts in Goodnotes, Pages & most iPad apps
ℹ️ Font Infos: add font metadata like designer name & copyright
↕️ Custom Metrics: set vertical font metrics
✏️ Pencil Roll: twist brush nibs (requires an Apple Pencil Pro)
🔍 Hover Cursor: preview brush nib (requires an Apple Pencil 2nd gen)
⚖️ Scaling Options: stretch paths or contours when you scale items
🕹️ 3D & Augmented Reality: experience your typefaces in the real world
These updates are all rolling today on the Fontself App Store page!

Meet our amazing ambassadors...
To celebrate this launch, we're proud to be supported by an international group of talents, from US, Europe and New Zealand. 🎊
Jimbo Bernaus, Ellie Heywood, Karin Newport, Francis Chouquet & Jackson Alves agreed to share insights about their work in 5 interviews that you can discover below.
... and get 5 icons by these fine folks
Icing on the cake, they have carefully designed 5 unique app icons to personalize Fontself on iPad to your own tastes. How cool is that?

Read the interviews & get the icons right here:

🚫 Still no subscription ✅ Free updates
And because we want to continue serving the creative community in these challenging times with a great deal, we'll keep our fair pricing:
One-time fee, no ads, free updates & pure joy!
This new release is available today on the App Store.

And if you 💖 this release, please leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review from your iPad, as this will HELP US A LOT to keep shipping more typographic goodness🙏
Have fun making fonts on the go!